FIA IDR Official’s Guide
FIA IDR user guides and information for motorsport officials.
Official’s Guide
The FIA IDR is installed in a competitor’s vehicle, allowing all high G impacts over a set threshold to be recorded and then submitted to the owning ASN via the FIA IDR Official’s app. This allows for more thorough incident review and improved safety.
The competitor is responsible for installing the IDR in their own vehicle, with the IDR arrow pointing directly to the front of the vehicle, then activating the IDR via the FIA IDR app.
It is the responsibility of the official to download and login to the FIA IDR officials app, this will allow the official to connect the app to the IDR and submit an impact report when an incident occurs at an event.
Important Information
DO make sure the competitor’s IDR arrow is pointing directly towards the front and centre of the vehicle and advise immediately if the IDR is installed incorrectly. View full installation instructions here.
DO ensure you have downloaded and successfully logged into the FIA IDR officials app prior to attending an event as an official, make sure you allow camera and location permissions when downloading the app.
DO notify the competitor that a replacement IDR is required if it appears to be damaged or the IDR QR code has faded.
DO read the FIA officials app guide prior to use and ensure that you notify your ASN if you cannot gain access to the app using the password your ASN have provided.
Using the FIA IDR Officials App
Download the FIA IDR App by searching ‘FIA IDR’ on Google Play Store or the App Store, ensuring you allow the app camera and location access permissions.
Launch the app and select the ‘Official’s Login’ option, then enter the password provided by your ASN to gain access.
After a vehicle incident has occured, lauch the app and select ‘Scan IDR QR Code’, this will allow you to scan the IDR using your phones camera, the IDR data will download via the app. Do not move away from the IDR whilst the app is connecting to it.
Complete all report fields and submit your report. If you don’t have internet connection, or fail to complete the report within one hour of scanning the IDR, the report will upload automatically.
Download the FIA IDR App
The FIA IDR App is required for device activation and official incident reporting

App Store Download
Download the FIA IDR App from App Store

Play Store Download
Download the FIA IDR App from the Play Store
Frequently asked questions for officials
I am having trouble scanning and connecting to the IDR
Please ensure that:
- You have allowed access to your bluetooth, location and camera settings within the FIA IDR app.
- You do not move away from the IDR after scanning the QR code and before the data has finished uploading.
If you continue to experience issues in connecting to the IDR using the FIA IDR app following an incident, please remove the IDR, noting the driver and location details and contact
How do I use the FIA IDR officials reporting functionality?
Please view the full officials app functionality instructions here
What should I do if I have no internet connection?
If you have no internet connection, you can still connect with the IDR and complete an impact report using the FIA IDR app, upon submission you will be asked to retry submitting the report or select to upload it later when you have internet connection again. If you select the latter, you must relaunch the app when you have internet connection.
What should I do if a competitor's IDR has been damaged in an impact?
If you suspect a competitor’s IDR has been damaged in an impact, please remove the IDR from the vehicle, making a note of the competitor and their contact details, then email to arrange a replacement IDR.
What is the 'IDR Inside' vehicle sticker for?
The IDR Inside sticker is affixed to the exterior of vehicles fitted with an IDR. The sticker is to help officials identify if a vehicle has an IDR following an incident. The QR code on the IDR Inside sticker links back to the FIA IDR website support pages.
The competitors IDR is damaged or the QR has faded
If the IDR is damaged or the QR code is faded, the IDR function and/or the ability for the IDR to connect with the FIA IDR app may be compromised. Please contact
I can't remember my passcode to access the app
Please contact your ASN who will issue you with their ASN passcode to access the officials functionality within the FIA IDR app.
I am an official and a competitor, can I use both versions of the app?
Yes, you are able to logout of the officials area if you have an IDR you wish to activate as a competitor. You must have your ASN access code to re-enter the officials area of the FIA IDR app.
What happens if I forget to take a photo of an incident?
The app requires at least one image to complete the report. If you have taken no images, take any photo using your phone, this will allow you to proceed with the report, you can then add as much information as possible in the ‘additional info’ section.
Can I close the app whilst the impacts are downloading?
We recommend staying on the IDR App until the download is completed.
Does the IDR 'switch off'?
No, the sensors have a 2-year lifespan, and are programmed to stay awake so they will never miss an impact.
Where does the IDR report data go?
The reports submitted via the FIA IDR app are rerouted through a secure server and sent to the owning ASN in a PDF report format.